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Følgende budskab blev fundet blandt B-P's papirer efter hans død (frit oversat):


Kære spejdere. Hvis I nogensinde har set skuespillet Peter Pan, vi I huske hvordan Sørøverkaptajnen altid holdt sin sidste tale, fordi han var bange for at når hans sidste time kom, ville han ikke have tid nok til at få det sagt, han gerne ville. Det er nærmest det samme med mig, og selv om jeg ikke skal dø lige med det samme, sker det nok en af de nærmeste dage, og jeg vil gerne sende jer et par afskedsord.

Husk at det er det sidste, I vil høre fra mig, så tænk lidt over dem.

Jeg har haft et meget lykkeligt liv, og jeg ønsker at hver af jer også får et lige så lykkeligt liv.

Jeg tror på at Gud satte os i denne skønne verden for at være lykkelige og nyde livet. Lykke kommer ikke af at være rig, heller ikke af at have succes i sin karriere eller fra vellevned. Et skridt imod lykke er at holde dig selv sund og stærk som barn, så du kan gøre nytte og nyde livet, når du bliver voksen.

Hvis I studerer naturen, vil I se at Gud har skabt verden fuld af smukke og vidunderlige ting som I kan nyde. Vær tilfreds med hvad I har og få det bedste ud af det. Se på den lyse side af tingene i stedet for på den dystre.

Men den rigtige måde at blive lykkelig på er at give lykke til andre mennesker. Prøv at efterlade denne verden en lille smule bedre end I fik den, og når det bliver jeres tur til at dø, kan I dø lykkelige i forvisningen om at I i hvert fald ikke har spildt tiden, men har gjort jert bedste. Vær Beredt på denne måde, at leve lykkeligt og at dø lykkelig. Hold jer altid til Spejderløftet - selv om I ikke er unge længere - og Gud hjælpe jer med at gøre det.


THE following messages were found amongst B.-P.'s papers after his death.


Dear Scouts,—If you have ever seen the play Peter Pan you will remember how the pirate chief was always making his dying speech because he was afraid that possibly when the time came for him to die he might not have time to get it off his chest. It is much the same with me, and so, although I am not at this moment dying, I shall be doing so one of these days and I want to send you a parting word of good-bye.

Remember, it is the last you will ever hear from me, so think it over.

I have had a most happy life and I want each one of you to have as happy a life too.

I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life. Happiness doesn't come from being rich, nor merely from being successful in your career, nor by self-indulgence. One step towards happiness is to make yourself healthy and strong while you are a boy, so that you can be useful and so can enjoy life when you are a man.

Nature study will show you how full of beautiful and wonderful things God has made the world for you to enjoy. Be contented with what you have got and make the best of it. Look on the bright side of things instead of the gloomy one.

But the real way to get happiness is by giving out happiness to other people. Try and leave this world a little better than you found it and when your turn comes to die, you can die happy in feeling that at any rate you have not wasted your time but have done your best. "Be Prepared" in this way, to live happy and to die happy—stick to your Scout promise always—even after you have ceased to be a boy—and God help you to do it.

Your Friend, BADEN-POWELL.

Standardization of Badges (1921)

by Robert Baden-Powell Baden-Powell's outlook November, 1921.

In view of a very elaborate curriculum that was recently drawn up by one authority for standardizing the test for badges, I was obliged to criticize it in the sense:

"I hope that the compilers are not losing sight the aim and spirit of the Movement by making it into a training school of efficiency through curricula marks, and standards.

"Our aim is merely to help the boys, especially the least scholarly ones, to become personally enthused in subjects that appeal to them individually, and that will be helpful to them.

"We do this through the fun and jollity of Scouting; by progressive states they can be led on naturally and unconsciously, to develop for themselves their knowledge.

"But if once we make it into a formal scheme of serious instruction for efficiency, we miss the whole point and value of the Scout training, and we trench the work of the schools without the trained experts for carrying it out.

"We have to remember that Scoutmasters are voluntary play leaders in the game of Scouting, and not qualified school teachers, and to give them a hard-and-fast syllabus is to check the ardor and their originality in dealing with their boys according to local conditions.

"I could quite imagine it frightening away many Scoutmasters of the right sort.

"The syllabus as suggested seems to go a good deal beyond what is prescribed as our dose in Scouting For Boys; and if the proportions of the ingredients in a prescriptions are not adhered to you can not well blame the doctor if the medicine doesn't work.

"Our standard for badge earning -- as I have frequently said -- is not to attain a certain level of quality of work ( as in school ), but the AMOUNT OF EFFORT EXERCISED BY THE INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE. This brings the most hopeless case on a footing of equal possibility with his more brilliant or better-off brother.

"We want to get them ALL along through cheery self development from within and not through the imposition of formal instruction from without."

frit oversat:

Standardisering af (dueligheds)tegn.

af Robert Baden-Powell Baden-Powell's Synspunkt November, 1921.

I betragtning af et meget detaljeret/uddybet pensum, der for nyligt er udarbejdet af one authority/en myndighed? for standardisering af prøverne for duelighedstegn, føler jeg mig forpligtet til at kritisere det således:

Jeg håber at the compilers ikke taber målet og ånden af bevægelsen af syne ved at ændre den til en ren skole ved hjælp af duelighedstegn og normer.

"vores mål er mere at hjælpe drengene - specielt de mindre lærde - til at gå personligt op i emner, der tiltaler dem individuelt, og det vil være nyttigt for dem.

Vi gør dette gennem spejderlivets sjov og glæde; ved gradvist øgede niveauer bliver de ledt til ubevidst at udvide deres viden på en naturlig måde. " Men hvis vi vi først ændrer det til en formel ordning med seriøs undervisning for bedre virkningsgrad, går vi glip af hele pointen og værdien af spejdertræning, og vi undergraver skolernes arbejde uden de uddannede eksperter, det kræver.

Vi skal huske at spejderlederne er frivillige legeonkler i spejderlegen, og ikke kvalificerede skolelærere, og at give dem et fastlagt pensum er at kontrollere deres iver og originalitet i arbejdet med deres drenge udfra de lokale/givne forhold.

Jeg kunne sagtens forestille mig at det vil skræmme mange af den rigtige slags spejderledere væk.

Det foreslåede pensum synes at gå en del ud over hvad der er ordineret dosis i Scouting for Boys; og hvis blandingsforholdet af ingredienserne i en medicin ikke er overholdt, kan du ikke så godt bebrejde lægen, hvis medicinen ikke virker.

Vores standard/metode/niveau for at tage duelighedstegn er - som jeg så tit har sagt - ikke at opnå et specifikt kvalitetsniveauniveau i arbejdet, men MÆNGDEN AF DEN UMAGE, DEN ENKELTE SPEJDER GØR SIG. Dette giver den allermest håbløse spejder de samme muligheder som hans klogere eller mere velstillede brødre.

Vi vil at de ALLE kommer godt på vej gennem munter selvudvikling, der kommer indefra, og ikke gennem formel undervisning, der pålægges dem udefra.


My Dear Guides

This is just a farewell note to you.

It is just to remind you when I have passed on, that your business in life is to be happy and to make others happy. That sounds comfortable and easy, doesn’t it? You begin making other people happy by doing good turns to them. You need not worry about making yourselves happy, as you will very soon find that comes by itself, when you make other people happy. Later on, when you have a home of your own by making it a bright and cheery one, you will make your husband a happy man…. It may mean hard work for you, but will bring its reward. If you keep your children healthy, clean and busy, they will be happy. Happy children love their parents. There is nothing that can give you greater joy than a loving child.

I am sure God means us to be happy in this life. He has given us a world to live in that is full of beauties and wonders and He has given us not only eyes to see them but minds to understand them if we only have the sense to look at them in that light. We can enjoy bright sunshine and glorious views. We can see beauty in the flowers. We can watch with wonder how the seed produces the young plant which grows to a flower which in its turn will replace other flowers as they die off. For, though plants, like people, die, their race does not die away, but new ones are born, and grow to carry on the Creator’s plan.

So, do you see, you are the chosen servants of God in two ways; first to carry on the race, to bring children into the world to replace the men and women who pass away; secondly, to bring happiness into the world by making homes and by being yourselves good, cheery comrades for your husbands and children. That is where as Guides especially come in, by taking an interest in your husband’s work and aspirations, you can help him with your sympathy and suggestions and so be a guide to him. Also, by strengthening and training the minds and characters of your children, you will be giving them better use and enjoyment of life.

By giving out love and happiness in this way you will gain for yourself the return love of husband and children, and there is nothing better in this world. You will find that Heaven is not the kind of happiness somewhere up in the skies after you are dead, but right here and now in this world in your own home.

So GUIDE others to happiness and you will bring happiness to yourselves and by doing this you will be doing what God wants of you.

GOD be with you.


Dear Guides, Scouts, Cubs and Brownies and all their leaders and friends,

I shall have left this world when you receive this message, which I leave to express my thanks for all kindnesses and the affection shown to me, and to say how greatly I have rejoiced over the way in which you have all carried out your share in the work of the Movement that my beloved husband invented, for the advancement of boys and girls of all countries, years ago.

I have firm belief in Almighty God and in the life in the world to come, when he and I will be reunited, and together we shall watch over you who have been enrolled as members of this world family, and go on caring for your progress and your well-being.

I trust you will continue fully to use the system of work and play that our Movement provides, keeping up the fun and the friendships made at your meetings and in camps, abiding by the Promise and upholding the Laws that you undertook to live when you joined up.

In that way you will not only advance in body, mind and spirit, but you will affect those around you, in doing what is honourable and right and wise, in giving out kindness of thought and action, thus striving against ills and helping to make the world a happier and a better place in which to live.

I trust you will be successful in all your tasks, and may God be with you all in the coming years.


Kære Pigespejdere

Dette er en afskedshilsen til jer, den sidste, I får fra mig. Den er blot for at minde jer om, når jeg er borte, at det er jeres opgave i livet at være lykkelige og gøre andre lykkelige. Det lyder vældigt hyggeligt og let, ikke sandt?

I begynder med at gøre andre lykkelige ved at være hjælpsomme mod andre, men i behøver ikke at have besvær med at gøre jer selv lykkelige, for det vil I snart finde ud af kommer af sig selv, for når I gør andre mennesker lykkelige, bliver I det også selv.

Senere når I selv får et hjem, vil I ved at gøre det til et godt og hyggeligt sted at være gøre jeres mænd lykkelige, og hvis alle hjem var gode og hyggelige, ville der være langt færre beværtninger, fordi mændene ikke havde lyst til at gå ud, men ville blive i deres hjem.

Det medfører nok en del besvær for jer, men det bærer lønnen i sig selv.

Hvis I passer jeres børn godt og tager jer af dem på alle måder, bliver de glade og tilfredse, og glade børn elsker deres forældre, og der er ingen større lykke til, end at ens børn holder af en.

Jeg er sikker på, at Gud gerne vil have, at vi skal være glade ved livet. Han har sat os midt i en verden, der er fuld af skønhed og vidunderlige ting, og han har givet os ikke blot øjne til at se med, men også en forstand, så vi kan prøve på at forstå dem – hvis blot vi selv vil.

Vi kan glæde os over solens stråleglans og den skønne natur, vi kan se træers og blomsters skønhed. Vi kan undre os over, hvordan frøene spirer og frembringer unge planter, som sætter blomster, der, når det bliver deres tur, erstatter andre blomster, når disse visner og dør. For skønt de enkelte planter dør ligesom de enkelte mennesker, så dør slægten ikke, men nye generationer opstår og vokser op efter skaberens plan.

Derfor kan I se, at I kvinder er Guds udvalgte hjælpere på 2 måder: for det første skal I føre slægten videre og føde den ny generation, der træder i stedet for dem, der dør, og for det andet skal I skabe hyggelige og gode hjem her på Jorden og være jeres mænd og børns gode og livsglade kammerater.

Og det er her, I som pigespejdere får særlig betydning. Ved at være jeres mands kammerat – det vil sige, at I deler hans tanker og lønlige forhåbninger med ham – kan I hjælpe ham og støtte ham og stive ham af, og ved at opdrage jeres børn ved at udvikle dem legemligt og åndeligt vil I hjælpe dem til at glæde sig og få det fulde udbytte af deres liv.

Ved at give jeres mand og jeres børn kærlighed og livslykke på denne måde, vil I selv til gengæld få deres kærlighed, og der er ikke noget der er bedre end det her i verden.

Så vil I opdage, at himlen er ikke en ubeskrivelig form for lykke, som man når til oppe mellem skyerne engang, når man er død, men noget i selv skaber her på Jorden nu i jeres eget hjem.

Derfor skal i vise andre vejen til den sande livslykke, og det vil gøre jer selv lykkelige, og når I gør det, handler I efter Guds plan.

Gud være med jer! Baden-Powel