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IPISE er betegnelen for et spejderløfte for ledere. Det bruges stadig i nogle lande.

Ordet "IPISE" i Bantu-sproget betyder 'i hvilken retning?' Og det kan også læses som en forkortelse for de fem punkter, B-P mente at ledergerningen bør omfatte:

Ideals - Possiblities - Interest - Service - Example

Baden-Powell skrev i oktober 1921 i lederbladet Headquarters Gazette:

In my house I have a part of the garden planted with cabbage, that despite the drought has produced sprouts enormous size, and the people of the village is to see them remain open-mouthed in wonder. The secret of this success is that, in preparing the ground, do not we just scratch the ground, but we dug very deep. I think this is the rule that we have to work in the Scout Movement if we get the best results. When I say that Scouting is a valid thing we have to remember that there scouting authentic and fake: and to find the first must dig deep, get to the underlying concept and develop the spirit that gives life. The lack of this study is the weak point of the Movement at the present time. Too many people there came to light, unaware of its core values ​​and the great potential that it has. And for this reason that Scouting as a whole is hindered in its progress and in some places gives disappointing results. In order to help those who enter the movement to become more clearly aware of what you commit to joining our fraternity, I suggested recently that were adopted some form of initiation. For example, the candidate might be formally admitted to the post of chief in our fraternity with the commitment dell'IPISE. The word "ipise" in the Bantu language means: "And what direction?" and is also the acronym formed from the initials of the five points that a leader of the movement should fully understand.

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