Honorary Scout

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Honorary Scout (æresspejder) var en betegnelse, man indførte i Boy Scouts of America ved årsmødet i 1927 på opfordring fra oberst Theodore Roosevelt. Formålet var at tildele en slags æresmedlemsskab til amerikanere, der gennem forskning, opdagelsesrejser eller friluftsaktiviteter havde opnået resultater af en karakter, der kunne give dem status af helte i drengenes øjne og inspirere dem til at følge deres drømme. Denne titel blev tildelt 18 personer.

Betegnelsen Honorary Scout er også blevet brugt af andre spejderkorps, og The Scout Association tildeler løbende titlen til relevante personer.

De 18 Honorary Scouts i BSA 1927

  • Stewart Edward White Author of adventure travel books [157][158]
  • Roy Chapman Andrews Explorer, adventurer and naturalist; director of the American Museum of Natural History [157][158]
  • Robert Bartlett Newfoundland navigator and Arctic explorer of the late 19th and early 20th centuries [157][158]
  • Richard E. Byrd Rear admiral, polar explorer, aviator and recipient of the Medal of Honor [157][158]
  • Orville Wright Co-inventor of the world's first successful airplane [157][158]
  • Merian C. Cooper American aviator and adventurer, Polish Air Force officer in the 1920s; later U.S. Army Forces brigadier general; director, screenwriter, producer and actor; credits include King Kong [157][158]
  • Louis Agassiz Fuertes Ornithologist, illustrator and artist [157][158]
  • Lincoln Ellsworth Arctic explorer [157][158]
  • Kermit Roosevelt Explorer, soldier who served with both the British and U.S. Armies, businessman and writer [157][158]
  • James L. Clark Explorer and scientist of the American Museum of Natural History [157][158]
  • George P. Putnam Publisher, author and explorer [157][158]
  • George Kruck Cherrie Naturalist and explorer of the American Museum of Natural History [157][158]
  • George Bird Grinnell Anthropologist, historian, naturalist, and writer; influenced public opinion and legislation which ultimately led to the preservation of the American buffalo [157][158]
  • Frederick Russell Burnham Military scout and world traveling adventurer; served the British Army in colonial Africa; taught woodcraft to Robert Baden-Powell [157][158]
  • Donald B. MacMillan Arctic explorer, sailor and researcher [157][158]
  • Clifford H. Pope Herpetologist and explorer [157][158]
  • Charles Lindbergh Aviator, author, inventor and explorer [157][158]
  • Carl Rungius Wildlife artist